Quiet Forces Coaching
Systems Psychodynamics to support planet-
conscious change
About Us
We intend to serve you and the earth from the start.
Two Glasses' Co-Founder, Thammika Songkaeo holds the INSEAD Coaching Certificate and is trained in Systems Psychodynamics.
She relies on solid teams to build Two Glasses' activities services, Changing Room and Trillion-Dollar Question, while she focuses on expanding a coaching practice for those wanting a better world. This is an industry-agnostic practice that respects how individuals from every industry can make something better.
Clients have included those from academia, artificial intelligence, and civil engineering.
Guiding her is this vision: "If money-first entities can get good Systems Psychodynamics coaches to improve their performance, it shall be possible, and necessary, for balance-first people and entities to access myself and well-trained and high-quality coaches."
For teams that want to address patterns impeding healthy movements. Teams exist with unconscious dynamics always in flux. Group Coaching gets teams to see the hard but crucial, and to function with
more awareness and language.
Contact us now to share your needs.
Group Coaching
Individual Coaching
For people who approach us independently,
wanting to understand how their current roles, or transitions, can better serve the environment as they become aware of unconscious patterns they repeat, and design a way to break the patterns.
Our panel of coaches works
globally, meeting coachees virtually.
Contact us now for a chemistry call.